Thursday, February 23, 2012

Page 2

Before Bleach the manga, there is Bleach the ‘pilot’ manga. This is listed as Chapter 0 at
The Pilot Manga for the series consists of around 45 pages, all of it devoted to meeting Rukia and his feelings toward Orihime

A/N : 

            I agree that it was devoted in meeting Rukia,but I have yet to see the proof that Ichigo have a romantic feelings for Orihime.As far as that chapter goes,I have never seen Ichigo saying that he loves Orihime.Ichigo never said the "L" word,isn't it the reason,why some people,mostly Ichihime,couldn't see them in a romantic light?yet,here he/she is,speculating such a thing,though it wasn't said outright in the said chapter.

 Rukia loses her power as Shinigami for 7 days and requests Ichigo’s help. His last job is to send Orihime to the after life.
On her way home, she tripped up on a flight of stairs and most likely broke her neck. During that time, she’s waiting outside her body, sad because she never got to tell Kurosaki-kun her feelings.
When Ichigo finds out that Inoue has died, he turns sullen, he can’t tell Rukia about it. She has to take the device away from Ichigo and read it herself.

A/N :

            The reason why Ichigo's expression shows some sadness,is because he knew Orihime personally,she is one of his classmates.I understand that it may be hard to see the meaning of his sad face there,since it was just one chapter,but that's the point.The author's (Beruhime219) imagination is already running too far.Even so,it might be one of the reason why KT rejected the said chapter.KT have done that chapter in a very fast pace,that he couldn't deliver his intentions clearly. 

I think KT just made it clearer in the actual manga why Ichigo acts here like that....

It was because of these......

Just like he said was different from affected him......but why?.....

Because of these.....

            There,he said that he isn't that nice of a person,that he won't fight for a total stranger,but at that time,it was Inoue,she was his classmate,in short,she isn't a total stranger,because he knew her personally,even though they weren't close,that's why it affects him's still the same in the pilot chapter,Inoue is the first person that he used to save who's eventually one of his classmates,that's why,he reacted that way,he was affected because he knew her personally.

            Even in reality,we tend to be affected in some news about someone dying,if we knew them personally.It's way different from hearing someone we don't even know that they exists,is going to die,right?It's just the same for Ichigo's case here.

Rukia asks Ichigo if he’s in love with her. He gets flustered and tries to crush Mini-Rukia.

A/N :

            I see Ichigo answered,as if Rukia is just joking.Ichigo just said the word "LOVE" as something that wasn't in his mind.

Later on, she throws her voice, pretending to be Ichigo for revenge. She spews out stuff like ‘My name is Ichigo Kurosaki and I’m deeply in love with you.’ Ichigo crushes Rukia again!

A/N :

             Take a closer look to see Ichigo's reaction.Let's say he was embarrassed,but why?......because Rukia teased him.But thus that mean that  he might really have a romantic feelings for Orihime?

I guess the best way I can show what I mean,was these scene from the actual manga....

            See how the scene was changed from Rukia teasing Ichigo about Inoue,to Rukia teasing him being interested with her personal life?Does that mean,that Rukia thinks that Ichigo is interested with her?Of course,even you (Ichihime) will not accept that idea,right?

            Did you notice his reaction there?Ichigo's reaction was just the same.Notice the vein popped on Ichigo's face,I've seen it as if he was ANNOYED at Rukia,for what she have done *the tease*,same goes in the actual story,where he scolded at her for that matter,while in the pilot chapter,he might as want to scold at her,but couldn't,because Inoe was there.And also,in the actual story,look at his fist,and his facial expression at the last panel,showing that he really wanted to beat her,but he couldn't,unlike in the Pilot chapter,whereas he actually did what he wants to do so.

Rukia,really loves teasing the hell out of Ichigo....look at her here....from the actual manga too....

            Does this mean,that Rukia thinks that Ichigo is interested with Ishida?Hell no!!!See?....Ichigo's reaction was still the same,Ichigo was actually a shy type of a person,despite his scowling outer appearance.So,in short,what I want to say is,seeing him being embarrassed because of  Rukia teased him being in-love with Inoue cannot be implied that Rukia was really seeing something from him that implies romantic interest towards Inoue.Just look at the actual story when she teased him being interested in her personal life,thus that imply that she sees something from Ichigo that she was implying as a Romantic interest for her?Definitely NO.She was simply teasing him.

Ichigo’s biggest concern for Orihime is that she will end up alone. So when her ‘father’ shows up, he feels relieved that she can go to the otherside and be happy. He thought if he cried it would cause her to have an attachment to the world. He wanted to send her off without regrets, without crying.

A/N :

            Ichigo is a very nice person,and he's just sympathizing/empathizing with Orihime's situation.Again,KT made his intention clearer in the actual manga.

            Ichigo is obviously worrying about the kid's soul as well,just like he was worried for Orihime.You can see that Ichigo is usually someone like that.

Turns out that her father is a hollow and was responsible for Orihime’s death. When Ichigo finds out from Rukia what Orihime’s dad really is, he charges into battle mode. The fight goes on, Ichigo telling the hollow how selfish he’s been and that he wasn’t the only one hurting.

A/N :

            Of course,he'll fight the hollow,it's a shinigami's job after all.As a shinigami,his job is to send the souls to the SS,and fight hollows who eats/kill them,why are you making a big deal out of it?Ichigo let her go with her father,because he thought,her father was there to fetch her,so when he finds out that he was actually a hollow,he needs to stop him from taking Orihime,a shinigami's job,and a nice person would normally do.

The hollow grabs Orihime and uses her as a shield. His goal now is to kill Ichigo for taking his daughter’s love away. Orihime than guides Ichigo’s sword through her soul form, into her father’s hollow. She goes on to explain why she told her father about Ichigo, it was so he wouldn’t worry about her. she apologizes to him and he disappears.

A/N :

There's nothing important about this part.

Rukia gets big again and tells Orihime and Ichigo to say their farewells. Orihime and Ichigo never admit they love each other, but they make a promise. If they meet up in the next life, they will talk to each other again. Orihime goes as far as to tell Ichigo that she likes him as a ‘class mate’ She didn’t want him to worry about her. 

A/N :

            The author said that as well,Ichigo and Orihime didn't say that they love each other,the argument that the Ichihime's usually throws against the Ichiruki pairing,and here he/she is implying that Ichigo loves Orihime,though he never said anything like that at all.

At the very end, turns out Rukia didn’t get all of her powers back She didn’t want Ichigo to know because he’d laugh. Rukia then decides to dump Orihime out just as she’s about to cross paths with Ichigo. It is uncertain if Orihime is alive or dead here. I’m saying she’s still dead but she’s wearing some weird contraption that Rukia stuck on her.
Seeing that Ichigo and Orihime are about to cross paths at the end, the only thing it means is a second chance at what ever it was they started before she died.

A/N :

            And what could it be that they have already started?Besides,Rukia being unable to go back at the SS,simply means,that she'll need to stay with Ichigo,and Ichigo will continue his life as a shinigami,just like what happened in the actual story,

Chapter 2

Orihime is first seen day dreaming in the hallway. In class Tatsuki asks why Orihime likes Ichigo. Orihime likes the way he scowls/grimaces. 

Rukia shows up and immediately threatens to kill him if he tells her secret identity.
(If killing someone causes feelings of romance to bloom, they are one hella sadist/masochist)

A/N :

            This scene is obviously meant for comedic relief,and also,most of the CANNON COUPLES in a manga,whether it was SHOUNEN (mostly),or SHOUJO,they used to behave like this.Makes me wonder,if the author of this essay haven't read some other mangas.

Chapter 3

She’s spacing out while walking across the road. A car comes out of nowhere and knicks her, she falls with a hurt arm and a handprint deeply embedded in her leg.

The day after the accident, she comes across Ichigo and Rukia hanging out in the park. Rukia had Ichigo hitting baseballs filled with pepper. They’re suppose to be practice hollows.

Orihime has a natural ability to sneak up behind Ichigo undetected. She scares the crap out of him.

He already cares about his image in front of her or else he would have said ‘Rukia’s helping me practice baseball.’ or something like that. Baseball is big in Japan, she wouldn’t have given it a second thought. It is Orihime after all, she probably would have thought it was cool.

A/N :

            Ichigo is not used to tell anyone about anything that he was doing,in any case telling Orihime that Rukia is helping him practice baseball is kinda odd,since Rukia is just there,reading some manga,and he's practicing with a machine,and not with her.

Also,Ichigo is not worried about his image only in front of Orihime...

Ichigo is someone who cared so much for his image in front of everyone.

Rukia has a bad first impression of Orihime until Ichigo tells her she’s from their class No, it’s not jealousy because Rukia has no such feelings toward Ichigo 

A/N :

            Talk about bias.Rukia acting like that doesn't show jealousy,but Ichigo getting embarrassed to tell Orihime that he was training,is something that implies love interest (image),though there's no basis for that kind of speculations.But I do believe that Rukia wasn't in love with Ichigo there,since they have just started being together.But my point is,how did Beruhime219 knows that Rukia has no such feelings for Ichigo,and Ichigo has a romantic interest towards Orihime,in just few interactions without the "L" word (Ichihime's most famous argument against Ichiruki's).

Ichigo points out that Orihime is hurt and asks how it happened. When she tells, he is shocked. More or less he’s shocked that she wasn’t mad at the person who hit her with the car.

A/N :

Ichigo was shocked,because she seems to take those things lightly. 

            Ichigo accepted her explanation,that she wasn't hit on purpose.The thing that he was actually concerned about,is that,it happens almost everyday,and she acts like it was unavoidable.Really,it's something weird to see someone act like that,after what happens to them almost everyday.Even Rukia was shocked with her statements,it wasn't only Ichigo.

Rukia notices that Orihime was also attacked by a hollow. Ichigo out of concern asks if she’s been to a doctor. She gets flustered. Then she realizes she’s about to miss her favorite TV show and starts on her way. 

A/N :

            I wonder what kind of a person does Beruhime219 thinks about Ichigo.A normal person would definitely ask someone in that condition to see a doctor.

Ichigo offers to walk her home, but she says shes fine. (If Orihime was obsessed with Ichigo, she would have accepted the offer even without thinking)

A/N :

            She regrets saying NO...she was surprised,she wasn't thinking twice,she was just surprised,and accidentally said NO,she didn't mean to say NO.Even so,accepting his offer won't mean that she was obsessed with Ichigo,it's just a normal thing anyway,friends used to walk you home,especially in that condition like her.

Ichigo says something along the lines that Orihime wears him out because she makes him worry. (He cares to some degree about what happens to her!)

A/N :

            Yet still,he didn't insist the idea of walking her home,despite of her condition.Orihime was even disappointed that he complies with her rejection immediately.

Ichigo didn't insist to walk Orihime home,because he is more worried about this...

Ichigo is worried that Rukia has no place to go.

Rukia asks if they are close.

A/N :

Ichigo : Not really,well,I guess so.She's best friend with someone who's lived in my neighborhood since 8th grade.

By this time, Ichigo has known Orihime for a few years, but they are close but not like close friends. Ichigo goes on to tell about Sora, Orihime’s older brother. Rukia is quick to put the situation together. She knows Sora is the hollow attacking Orihime. Ichgio only realized that he knew Orihime from Sora’s accident because she brought him to Isshin Kurosaki’s clinic.

A/N :

            Ichigo just explained to her,about the depth of his connection with Orihime.He explained to her,that he just seen her first at the Kurosaki clinic,and that's all he knew about her,and that she's bestfriend with his neighbor (Tatsuki). They are not close.Ichigo is telling her,that he isn't that directly close to her

Sora’s hollow then attacks Ichigo. He feels that Orihime forgot about him because of Ichigo and Tatsuki. As a hollow, the first people they attack are family and those they blame for their pain.
He thinks Ichigo stole Orihime's heart. 

A/N :

            That only shows Orihime's feelings towards Ichigo,but there is no information saying,that Ichigo feels the same way for Orihime. 

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  1. Geez, haha, this author just keeps going back and forth, and she clearly needs to see your beautiful essays *o* You are amazing at what you and I CANNOT wait for your next post :)

  2. Oh,you have an account here too?
    Thanks for reading,I'm still working on the next pages.
