Friday, March 2, 2012

Page 5

Chapter 57

Whole chapter devoted to the issue of saving Rukia and Ichigo’s summer training. Urahara does say, “If you ‘Desire’ to save Rukia.” Desire is a strong word, we later find out that Ichigo’s desire is not the need or want to save her but he has/have to save her.

A/N :

verb (used with object) wish or long for; crave; want. express a wish to obtain; ask for; request: The mayor desires your presence at the next meeting.
3.a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: a desire for fame. expressed wish; request.
5.something desired.
6.sexual appetite or a sexual urge.

In short...something that you WANTED SO BADLY. 

When Ichigo said that he HAVE to save her,it means,he isn't putting the FAIL option,there's only a MUST,and it only means success,BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.Ichigo even corrected Renji.He told him that he didn't said that he WANTS to save Rukia,he means,he HAVE to save her.Wanting is just a desire,wishing to achieve something,but that doesn't include the ACTION,that's why Ichigo corrected Renji's phrase.Ichigo said he HAVE to save Rukia,which includes the ACTION of doing it.It doesn't mean that he doesn't want to save her,but he doesn't have any choice,but to do it,what do you really think of Ichigo,eh?
To repay a debt.
A/N :

Ichigo : I remember now...the reason why I WANTED TO SAVE YOU SO MUCH/BADLY.

Ichigo said that LITERALLY,he did WANTED TO SAVE RUKIA SO MUCH/BADLY.Did Ichigo just happened to forget his DEBT,which is the reason why he came to save her,according to Beruhime219?Ichigo said "I remember now" means,it is only 'till then,that he realized,why he is so eager to save Rukia.

Though,I saw him always talking about it...

Judging by the fact that Ichigo never forgets his DEBT,saying that he suddenly remembers the reason why he wanted to save Rukia "so much",is something that absolutely says something MORE.

Chapter 58

Ichigo is sad that nobody remembers Rukia. Its not because he loves her, they totally made him completely ‘Out of Character in the Anime!’ His emotions are based on the simple human need to be remembered after someone leaves or passes on.

A/N :

He was hurting,because it seems that she doesn't even exist,though he knew very well that Rukia doesn't belong to the Human World,that's why he said to himself "why bother?".But,that's really hard not to feel sad,since he knew that Rukia really exists.However,it's interesting that we didn't see him thinking about Orihime when she was gone.We never see him reminiscing her.Instead,he was sad,because his other nakamas are mourning for her absence,Tatsuki in particular.Read here for more.

Ichigo spends a few moments after school with his friends. Everyone tells Keigo they can’t go on the trip with him. Even Mizuiro opts out.

A/N :

Read the essay I posted above. 

Oh my, I wonder if this is a typo. He always calls her ‘Inoue’. Did he let ‘Orihime’ Slip out because they are alone? I wish I had the raw to this so I could see. Maybe he was just surprised to see her.

A/N :


Ichigo called her "Inoue"

I thought Beruhime219 is doing some research to avoid the problems of MISTRANSLATIONS?

Ichigo is obviously relieved that he’s not alone, that someone else knows that Rukia is gone. A real smile for a change. Orihime should have let him finish what he was going to say. 

A/N :

Of course he was relieved,it's really nice to know that you were not the only one who remembers a very close person to you.That wasn't a real smile.Please look at him carefully,he was just forcing a smile. 

Orihime is testing Ichigo’s resolve. She wants to know if he’s going after Rukia for the right reasons. She also wants him to realize those reasons.

A/N :

Orihime is not testing Ichigo's resolve.Orihime is stating the issues that Ichigo was worrying about,AFTER HE HAVE RESCUED RUKIA.

Orihime pretending to be Ichigo in front of him. They are comfortable enough with each other to do this sort of thing on many occasions. Orihime’s pep talk works and he pulls out of his EMO.

A/N :

Orihime is always been like that towards Ichigo.She is the one who always initiates the conversation between them.Please read here for you to understand that Ichihime talk. 

Chapter 59

Renji is having a hard time believing that Byakuya would order his sisters death. Rukia explains to Renji that she knows exactly what type of person Byakuya is. He has never looked at her once. If you go back to what Byakuya thinks of emotions quickly explains why he’s never really looked at her. He doesn’t want the attachment. After loosing his wife, who happens to look exactly like Rukia, its safe to say he doesn’t need a reminder.
Renji must have felt a dire need to talk to Rukia as well, since he showed up at her jail cell wearing a yukata.

A/N :

This doesn't have any relevance  to the topic,so I suppose there's no need to mention this scene.I think Beruhime219 should have explained his/her purpose of mentioning this scene.

Chapter 65
Byakuya hands down Rukia’s sentence. Renji is horrified. He obviously still has hope for her but Rukia has found resolve in her hopelessness.
Rukia’s answer to emotions is to anger the person enough to make them run away from her. She knows Renji cares about her, that is why she is doing her best to insult him.

A/N :

A normal way of Rukia trying to hide her worries,a certified tsundere.But then again,this doesn't prove anything about Ichihime pairing.Or,Beruhime219 is hinting the Renruki pairing?Hmm,but when it was Ichigo and Rukia acting like that,it will never have a meaning in any romantic aspect at all.

Renji’s answer to Rukia’s behavior turns to almost child-like sarcasm. Renji is not really lazy and obviously works hard, otherwise Byakuya would have never allowed him to become a lieutenant under his command. Renji replies with the one thing he knows she fears, even if she refuses to admit it. Rukia is afraid to die and afraid nobody will care if she does. Renji saying that he's too lazy to care is like him saying 'Fine, lets see if I help you anymore! Because you think I'm not trying to help at all.'

A/N :

Apparently,Renji is definitely lying.

Renji didn't get angry with Rukia because of what she said to him.He knew that she didn't want him to be worried about her,that's why she acted that way.If he truly doesn't care,why is he so bothered that Byakuya isn't doing anything?Not only that,he even confronts Ichigo,hoping that when he kills him,Rukia's powers would be back,and her sentence would be lessen.He even trained to gain his bankai,and fought with Byakuya,he came to assist Ichigo in his rescue for Rukia.So,I wonder where this "Renji saying that he's too lazy to care is like him saying 'Fine, lets see if I help you anymore! Because you think I'm not trying to help at all.'' idea came from.In any case,all the intimate actions are only coming from Renji,just like Orihime is the only one who's being intimate with Ichigo.Ichigo and Rukia are both oblivious.Two words to say about this "One sided".

After Renji storms off, Rukia sees the repercussions of her behavior. She is lonely, but she also understand that it will be a lot less painful for everyone else if they just hate her.

A/N :

Rukia's expression doesn't show "repercussions" of her behavior.Her changed expression shows her true feelings that she was hiding in front of Renji (she was sad).Rukia behaved like that in front of Renji,to let him know that he shouldn't be worried about her,and is never meant for him to hate her,since she knew that Renji won't hate her,just by saying something like that.Rukia knew that Renji gets the message,because of his reaction,sigh.
Chapter 69

Apparently, according to Urahara, Ichigo and Orihime don’t have a sense of humor. This whole scene was chopped out of the anime! in the anime, Orihime and Ichigo (also Ishida and Sado) meet outside Urahara’s shop.

A/N :

This scene doesn't even have an extraordinary meaning at all.The oblivious expression from Ichigo's face said so.

Chapter 70

Ichigo is impressed with Orihime’s ability to make friends with people she just met, while he curses Ishida and Sado for being anti-social. He obviously feels that in some cases, you get more done through talking than through force.

A/N :

Ichigo is definitely not talking about  "in some cases, you get more done through talking than through force." Just like what Beruhime219 said,Ishida and Sado are both anti social,that doesn't have a connection about using force,eh?He's only commenting that Orihime is someone that is easier to approach,unlike Ishida and Chad.Also,both Ishida and Sado are not forceful.Ishida thinks first before taking an action,while Chad won't charge anyone even if he was being attacked (by humans).Chad won't even fight,if it's only for himself,he'll fight only to defend others.
Chapter 71

If it wasn’t for Orihime using her power, everyone would have been lost to the Dangai.

The only time Ichigo ever shows any hostility toward Orihime is here. If it been anyone else, he would have swore at them.

A/N :

Again,Orihime's demeanor is someone that would make you look really bad,once you acted so harshly with someone like her.Also,Orihime said that without any ill intentions,so Ichigo doesn't really need to swear at her.

Yoruichi headbutts and yells at Orihime and Ichigo is quick to defend her.

A/N :

Actually,he should have scold her as well,because,what she did is something that is definitely dangerous.Yoruichi is just worried about her.I wouldn't be proud of Ichigo's behavior here,if I wanted to make an argument about Ichigo's romantic feelings for Orihime.Just like what Yoruichi said,he seems like he doesn't understand the situation.Orihime risked her life for doing that,but Ichigo is not bothered just because it turned out okay.A guy who was in love with the girl,would normally scold them in this kind of situation.
Chapter 72, 73, 74
No big revelations in these chapters. Fighting takes up just about every frame.
Chapter 75-76

Before fighting Gin, Ichigo asks Orihime to take care of Jidanbou’s arm. This is her first chance to really impress Ichigo with her powers. Still, plot hole. “When did Ichigo learn what her powers are?” They never talked about it before this. He seen her make a shield; could he really tell that her powers are the healing variety? Or did something supposedly happen somewhere that wasn’t written into the manga.

A/N :

Ichigo might already knew about it while they were at Urahara's place.That isn't important in the plot,that's why it doesn't need to be showed,it'll be a waste of time and panel.

Orihime has an over-active imagination. Her idea of a perfect prince is like one from a fairytale. At this point, her love for Ichigo is still a crush, but pretty mature crush considering Orihime’s mindset. She sees Ichigo as someone brave and willing to protect the people he cares for and things he believes in. She is willing to do what she can to protect his goals, even if she gets hurt doing so.

Ichigo cares about Orihime! He brings her a drink. Why is this significant? Because he doesn’t do this type of stuff for anyone else. This was also cut from the anime. In the anime, Ichigo leaves to go EMO on top of a building! 

A/N :

I won't talk about the anime.It's just normal for Ichigo to give her something to drink,since she was working really hard to heal Jidanbou.It would be bad for Ichigo not to care for her,after asking her a favor.

When you see Ichigo fix Rukia’s juice box, that only happens in the Anime, so it doesn’t count. That part is once again Out of Character that happens in the anime.

A/N :

Shouldn't really need to talk about the anime.

The image above Rukia, we see both Ichigo and Orihime looking both stunned and nervous by Orihime’s sudden shock from being snapped out of a day dream.

A/N :

So,what's the big deal?Orihime was snapped out of her daydreaming,and Ichigo was shocked by her startled reaction.

Even though Ishida is with Ichigo, he is not pictured when the men are speaking about Orihime. It is just Orihime and Ichigo walking together, hinting where Orihime’s heart wishes to be.

A/N :

Those people doesn't know everything about them.Plus,they haven't seen her alone with Ishida.Orihime is always staying near Ichigo.In any case..


Those people sees Ichigo with Rukia and Orihime,but they only thought that Rukia is the one that he was dating with.

Chapter 77

Ichigo fights with Ganju Shiba

Chapter 78

Orihime easily points out that Ichigo’s temper is his one of his greatest weaknesses. In the anime, Ishida says that line.

A/N :

Again,the anime doesn't count.Plus,it doesn't matter who points that out,since everyone knew that fact very well.

Ishida must think that Orihime may have some influence over Ichigo. Why else would he ask her to help convince him instead of Sado, who has known Ichigo much longer. Let's face it, Sado is also physically stronger than Orihime.

A/N :

Ishida is losing his patience towards Ichigo's childishness,and Orihime came in,so he asked for her help.It was simply because,she was already there.

Ichigo gets embarrassed too easily. He doesn’t want to be seen entering Kuukaku’s strange house.
Chapter 79

Renji tells Rukia about the intruders, hoping that she hasn’t given up on her freedom. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have told her anything at all. He wanted her to know that there are people out there who haven’t give up yet. Also, the way he tells her is almost intimate - mouth close to the ear, hand gripping at the shoulder. Even after she insulted him and his tattoos, he still comes back to her time and again.

A/N :

What Renji wants her to know,is that Ichigo was still alive.Renji knew that Rukia is feeling guilty about Ichigo's death (she thought that Ichigo was already dead),the reason that he knew,that's why she was always gloomy and sad.Renji knew that Rukia didn't want to be saved by anyone.She doesn't like to see anyone risking their lives for her sake.It was only to inform her,that Ichigo was still alive.


1 comment:

  1. Okay, seriously! You know what the freak you're doing, and this girl seems as if she's pushing Rukia and Renji, and Ichigo and Orihime. Why is she so wrapped up with Rukia and Renji? If she's saying she has no problems with other pairings, how come she's so agaisnt Ichiruki? -_- She's only trying to convince her effing self. I hope the Ichihime people who read her essay sees this.
