Friday, March 2, 2012

Page 6

Chapter 79 continued

Last time she smiled like that was probably for Kaien before he died. Even though she says she doesn’t, Rukia places a lot of faith in friendship. Renji is upset, you can tell by the strained look on his face. He probably wanted to be the one to make her smile.

 A/N :

Renji misses Rukia's smile.However,what's the point of this?It's clearly coming only from Renji,and nothing comes from Rukia.Instead,the thing that makes her face brighten up,is knowing that Ichigo is still alive,but that was because she thought she's responsible for Ichigo's suffering.Rukia didn't want to be the reason of anyone's death. 

(Part of Aizen’s plan is to get Renji involved) This imagry does help show Renji and Rukia’s relationship goes way back. The two were once very attached to each other. In the last frame, Renji has a sort of melancholy while admitting their friendship to Aizen.

A/N :

Aizen knew very well that Renji cares so much for Rukia.That is the reason he knew he could use him.However,knowing that Rukia and Renji are very close friends in the past,what does it give to add for the possibility of Renruki? 

Aizen is setting things into motion. He knows Renji will immediately jump to action if he thinks there is a conspiracy. That is exactly what Renji does too. He risks everything he worked so hard to obtain just for Rukia.

A/N :

Just like Beruhime219 said,Aizen knew that Renji will act immediately.That's what he needed for his plans to take into actions.He needs the ones who will comply to his intentions,without getting suspicious.Renji would normally think that Aizen is just sympathizing with him and Rukia's situation,since he knew that they were good friends before.

Chapter 80

Nothing important other than Renji lying to Hinamori about Aizen’s location.

Chapter 81

Orihime tried to ditch dinner to help Ichigo since she easily figure out how to put her energy into the cannon ball before anyone else. He doesn’t want her to see him fail at it; again, he is embarrassed and won’t let his pride ask for help. He also knows that she is running low on energy due to fatigue and hunger.

A/N :

So amusing,where did Beruhime219 get the idea that Ichigo doesn't want Orihime to see him fail at it again?Ichigo's pride,eh?

Ganju sees it clearly,and so as Orihime.Ichigo is trying really hard for Rukia.Ichigo asked Orihime to go with Chad and Ishida to eat.What Ichigo meant there is,he won't go eating until he masters using that spirit ball,to be able to enter Seretei,and rescue Rukia.He doesn't want to waste time,eating can wait,but his training to be able to use the spirit ball cannot wait any longer.Ichigo is again being too focused on rescuing Rukia,and obliviously shows insensitivity towards Orihime.Orihime just wanted to accompany him,and support him,but he blatantly rejected her attempt,sigh.

Orihime quickly realizes what Ichigo wants and pushes everyone but Ganju out of the room.

A/N :

Yeah,that's why she complied to his request reluctantly.And that is because she knew that Ichigo,wanted to be left alone,so he could concentrate on his training,and that he'll skip dinner.It is definitely not because he doesn't want her to see him failing at it.Rather,she saw him being so serious about his training,hence he doesn't want to eat until he's done with the training.

Notice: Ichigo is saving Rukia not because of a promise, because he owes her one. the whole “I have to save her” Starts to come into play here. 

A/N :

His debt is definitely part of his reasons for saving her,but that doesn't mean that it was the only reason,since he clearly said this...

again (this is from my reply on the previous page).

Ichigo : I remember now...the reason why I WANTED TO SAVE YOU SO MUCH/BADLY.

Ichigo said that LITERALLY,he did WANTED TO SAVE RUKIA SO MUCH/BADLY.Did Ichigo just happened to forget his DEBT,which is the reason why he came to save her,according to Beruhime219?Ichigo said "I remember now" means,it is only 'till then,that he realized,why he is so eager to save Rukia.

Though,I saw him always talking about it...

Judging by the fact that Ichigo never forgets his DEBT,saying that he suddenly remembers the reason why he wanted to save Rukia "so much",is something that absolutely says something MORE.

Chapter 82

Since Ichigo missed out, Orihime saves most of her dinner for Ichigo. She knows he’s gotta be hungry by now and that his part in the team is bigger than her own. This shows her willingness to give him the things he needs to win.

A/N :

Orihime --> Ichigo

They feel an incredible spirit pressure, Orihime is the first to realize it’s Ichigo.

A/N :

She's good in recognizing reiatsu,much better than the others.Also,she's always observing everything about Ichigo,so it's normal that she'd be able to do that.

Oopse - Orihime causes Ichigo to lose his concentration.

A/N :

Because Orihime suddenly speaks up,right after Ichigo finally did it.Ichigo is so happy and was so overwhelmed with his success after so many attempts,of course he got excited,and lose concentration.
Chapter 83

Hmm, interesting dream. Make a person wonder what runs through Ichigo’s head while he dreams. He was dreaming about someone, it surely wasn’t Yoruichi, at this point he sees her as a male talking cat. A type of dream like this is usually about the opposite sex and since the last two girls Ichigo seen before falling asleep were Kuukaku and Orihime. An educated guess - most likely Orihime since she caused his brief loss of concentration, resulting in Kuukaku beating the crap out of him. When someone falls asleep just like that, dreams usually center around the last things they look at. Try going to sleep with the TV on, you can hear it in your sleep and it can manipulate what you dream about. Just a little analysis.

A/N :

People also dream about the things that they kept on thinking.This thing happens more often than just what you saw lastly before you sleep.In this case,Ichigo is thinking so much about Rukia's rescue.Ichigo even skipped dinner to continue practicing,so that he'll be able to rescue Rukia as soon as possible.Besides,his dream is about running away,in other words...ESCAPING...Why was everyone there anyway?It was to take Rukia away from those who wanted to execute her.In a sense,it is most likely about Rukia,since his dream is about RUNNING AWAY.But,judging by Ichigo's reaction,he looks disgusted with the idea,hence he woke up right after saying that,so maybe it was with a male.However,I won't make a big deal about Ichigo's dream there,it's something that is not important in the story,and might just meant for a plain comedic relief.So,it wasn't an educated guess,rather it's a WISHFUL guess.

While Orihime asks Ichigo to lower his energy, he answers her more gently than the other two.

A/N :

Ichigo replies with Orihime a bit worried,he was starting to panic,if you haven't noticed that (he's repeating the word "okay").Then Ishida commented on him to lower his pressure,Ichigo replied even more panicked,he's not harsh on his reply.Then Chad commented as well later on.Ichigo finally snapped out of it.Everyone is reminding him of what he should do,so he was being more pressured by the situation.

Orihime keeps a level head most of the time and does her best to help calm down Ichigo. She is often the voice of reason. Even though Ishida is also speaking, it seems her words get through quicker than his.

A/N :

 They stopped because they knew they should cooperate with each other.Plus,Ishida and Orihime are talking at the same time,so why say that they only listened to Orihime,if she was just talking at the same time with Ishida?It's not like,Ishida talked to them first,and they didn't listened to him,so Orihime speaks up,and they complied immediately,sigh.Not only that,Orihime is the one who speaks first,and Ishida just agreed to her.
Chapter 85

Desperately reaching for each others hands only to be split apart. Maybe future symbolism.

A/N :

Because Yoruichi told them to stay together.Future symbolism?You mean that they won't be together?They were separated

Chapter 86

Orihime got knocked out and is delirious. She calls out for Ichigo and it is obvious to Ishida that Orihime’s thoughta are about Kurosaki. He’s not oblivious and knows she loves Ichigo.

A/N :

Again....Orihime --> Ichigo


1 comment:

  1. Whoo! Fun, fun! This chick totally needs to see this! XD Can I pleeeeease message her about it? Pretty please with a cherry on top? I want to see what kind of comebacks she can return to these! >:D We all know she's going to lose. Okay, I'm really sorry for being mean, but this person is wreaking with stupidity and DELIRIOUS observations, and opinions she doesn't need in an ESSAY! Geez, she's totally getting on my nerves -_- Again, I'm sorry for my harsh behavior ToT I don't want to be this way!
