Saturday, March 3, 2012

Page 8

Chapter 99

Although Kira has arrived on the scene, Byakuya shows up and demands that he throws Renji in jail, just on the mere basis that he lost. He also asked for Renji’s demotion but it was denied.

A/N :

Nothing important about the pairing issue.

Chapters 100-101
This chapter is where Aizen is seen hanging from a building, dead. Chapters devoted to building the plot.

Chapter 102

Begins with Chad thinking about when he met Ichigo. He been in a fight with a bunch of bullies because they didn’t like his hair.
At the end of this chapter, Ichigo, Ganju, and Hanatarou run directly into Kenpachi’s path.

Chapter 103
Plot building chapter.
Chapter 104
Rukia is at the tower wondering if what Renji said is true.
Ichigo continues the fight against Kenpachi while Ganju and Hanatarou go after Rukia.
Chapter 105
Ganju realizes that since Ichigo sent him ahead with Hanatarou, Rescuing Rukia is top priority. Ichigo really wants to repay that debt, but he doesn’t expect to die like Ganju thinks.

A/N :

Talking about Ichigo's debt again.It seems to me that  Beruhime219 really wants to convince him/her self,that Ichigo is just really doing all of this for Rukia,just because of his debt. 
Chapter 106-114
All fighting all the time. Kenpachi vs Ichigo mostly.

A/N :

Why not talk about this?

Ichigo is being persistent of staying alive because he wanted to save Rukia.Ichigo's strong determination to save Rukia,gave him the strength to stand up and continue fighting.His strong will to save Rukia is the thing that made Zangetsu materialize.Oh,yeah,because of his debt? (sighing forever)

Chapter 115

Rukia is reflecting back when she to Kaien Shiba, asking what she should do.
Ganju and Hanatarou arrive to rescue Rukia. Because Rukia killed his brother,

Chapter 116

Ganju refuses to help any more, leaving Hanatarou to battle Byakuya. Ganju has a change of heart when he see how brave Hanatarou is, but they end up failing anyway.
Ukitake stops Byakuya from killing Ganju.
Ichigo arrives at the end of the chapter

By this time, Ichigo knows that she is sacrificing herself for his sake. He doesn’t want that so he’s doing everything short of threats to make her understand.

A/N :

Ichigo is not threatening her,he's just simply telling her that he won't listen to her if she tried to stop him,and tell him to leave her.
Chapter 117

This pretty well sums up Rukia and Ichigo’s relationship: Bicker and fight and nag. He wants to play hero but lets face it, she’s not the type of girl to sit in the corner and scream for help.

A/N :
Yeah,it pretty sums up how they truly care for each other.Ichigo bickers with Rukia to make her feel better with the situation.Ichigo is simply trying to cheer her up.Because he was bickering with her,it lessens the tension that she was feeling with the situation.Again,bickering in Japan shows their closeness to each other.Most of the canon couples,be it SHOUNEN or SHOUJO,this is one of the commonly used hint,that they are close to each other.Especially,when the characters are tsundere types,just like Ichigo and Rukia.

Ichigo saying he won’t die yet triggers Rukia’s memories of Kaien saying the same thing. If you notice, the second frame is Kaien Shiba not Ichigo. She is obviously still hung up over killing Kaien.
Byakuya and Ichigo fight but Yoruichi stops it.

A/N :

It's really hard to forget her experience with Kaien.Killing someone that is important to you is something that is very much traumatic for anyone in that situation.Rukia is afraid that Ichigo might die because of her,there's nothing wrong with that.It shows that she is just a very kind hearted person,who doesn't think of her own safety.

Chapter 118

Renji is healing in jail. Zabimaru’s spirit comes to him, telling Renji that he/she is ready to fight again. Renji tells Zabimaru that Ichigo is not the enemy.
Yoruichi incapacitates Ichigo and they escape.

Chapter 119

Ukitake helps Hanatarou and Ganju. Rukia is put back into the tower.

Orihime is seen with Ishida dressed like the other shinigami.

Ishida is an honorable person. He’s not going to allow Orihime to be defiled by Shinigami trash like this guy. By this time, Ishida knows how Orihime sees him. During the flash back scene where they change into the shinigami robes, Orihime tells him that he reminds her of Tatsuki - her very over-protective best friend who happens to be a girl.

A/N :

If the guy is being nice and protective towards Orihime is not Ichigo,Beruhime219 won't see it as something that might have a romantic connotation.Though I understand that it is normal that he/she will keep on trying to see an excuse for Ishida's behavior towards Orihime.It's just amusing that,when it was Ichigo,it always means something different,though their actions are just the same.

Shinigami: I won’t forget this! After this is over, You’re really gonna feel my wrath.
Ishida: Sure thing. Except when this is over, I wont be here.
Orihime gives her gratitude.
Ishida looks like he’s blushing: I just don’t like guys like him.
Still means nothing is going on between Ishida and Orihime. Why? Cus we know she likes Ichigo and she’s not gonna give her heart away to a million guys. Re-occurring theme: Orihime loves Ichigo.

A/N :

But that won't stop Ishida from falling in love with her.Just because she loves Ichigo,it doesn't mean that Ishida won't love her.Also,even if Ishida truly loves her,it doesn't mean she have to reciprocate her feelings.Just like how Orihime loves Ichigo,doesn't mean that Ichigo needs to reciprocate her feelings for him.

Turns out Orihime has strong hand to hand combat skills. 

A/N :

Even though she might have some strength,the problem is her demeanor that doesn't want to fight with anyone,so it's useless,somehow.

In a hand to hand fight, Ishida knows he’d get his butt kicked.

A/N :

This scene is definitely meant for comedic relief,since Ishida won't fight with a woman (that is not an enemy).

“I thought I was with Tatsuki. . .” Says it all.
He’s like a girlfriend!

A/N :

Even though she sees him that way,it doesn't mean that Ishida sees her like that as well.Again,it doesn't matter if Orihime doesn't like Ishida in a romantic sense,Ishida still have the right to fall in love with her.Just like Ichigo doesn't feel the same for Orihime,doesn't mean that she cannot fall in love with him.

He gets the dressing room because he is more prudish about changing in front of people.

A/N :

I don't think it was the reason why Orihime told him to change there,since Ishida said that she is the one who should be using it.

She’s always speaking about Ichigo in front of Ishida. He’s not a fool, Ishida really knows now.

A/N :

Ishida really knows about Orihime's feelings towards Ichigo.It shows in his behavior.
Chapter 120

Ishida knows the truth about Orihime. Her ability is unsuited for the battlefield. The only thing she is meant for is defense.

A/N :

Everyone thinks about her like that.
Chapter 121

Ishida is saved by Orihime’s defensive shield. He attacks Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Mayuri knows that Ishida is a quincy but has no interest in him. He wants to get a hold of Orihime and conduct tests on her.

Ishida threatens the guy from squad 11 and he takes Orihime away from the battle.

Chapter 122

Ishida will defend any woman: He feels sorry for Nemu whom is treated as expendable by Mayuri.

A/N :

Just like Ichigo would defend anyone,since he loves to protect.
Chapter 123-126

Fight between Mayuri and Ishida continues and concludes. Ishida runs into Kaname Tousen and is incapacitated.

Chapter 127

Ichigo fights Zangetsu to learn bankai.
The jail breaks begin. Gin takes Kira while Renji and Hinamori escape.

Chapter 128

Hanatarou is in trouble with Unahana but Ukitake’s 3rd seats Kotetsu and Kotsubashi have a letter from Ukitaki asking Unahana to be lenient.
Ishida, Ganju, and Sado are all in the medical detention center. They think Orihime is captured. 

Yachiru says Orihime’s spirit pressure is like Ichigo’s and she was able to follow it. Orihime isn’t that weak after all.

A/N :

They both doesn't know how to control their reiatsus,that's what Yachiru meant there.That doesn't imply that she was somehow as strong as Ichigo.In any case,this doesn't prove anything about shipping. 

After talking with the 11th division and Kenpachi Zaraki, Orihime has found a new group of allies. This is why Ichigo thought Orihime would be more help that Sado and Ishida. For Kenpachi, following this girl will bring him tough opponents, while she gets protection from Squad 11. So there is a benefit between them.

A/N :

Just want to make things clear.Kenpachi had already become an ally right after Ichigo have defeated him,it wasn't because of Orihime.Kenpachi became so much attached to Ichigo after their fight.Kenpachi is already looking for Ichigo,but unfortunately,he really sucks when it comes to directions.Besides,Orihime is the first one from Ichigo's nakamas who came to cross a path,and not Chad or Ishida,so this is not implied as something that is exclusive for Orihime.


Page 7

Chapter 87-90

Nothing of any interest, just fighting.

Chapter 91

This means absolutely nothing. Orihime is simply measuring up Ishida’s power and noticing the change in level from before. Ishida at this point is faster than the shinigami they are fighting. He grabbed her so fast, Orihime didn’t have time to react. 

A/N :

Orihime is not measuring Ishida's power,she's just simply noticing his ability's improvements.
Chapter 92

This is why Ishida is protecting Orihime during the first fight. What type of guy would he be if he couldn’t protect her and defeat the very weak Jirōbō Ikkanzaka. He uses sneaky tactics like attacking a woman and being a shinigami on top of that, really pisses Ishida off. In short, Ishida protects Orihime because it would disgrace his honor if he allowed her to get hurt.

A/N :

Ishida might be really pissed off because of Jiboro's way of fighting,even Chad and Ichigo wouldn't like it as well.However,that doesn't mean that it was the only reason,as well as him being a shinigami (Jiboro) and his pride as a Quincy,Ishida protected Orihime because she was a comrade,and a woman at that.Beruhime219 makes it sound that Ishida is just doing that for those reasons,which is kinda insulting to Ishida's character.Ishida is a chivalrous type of a person,he'll definitely protect someone in that kind of situation.

Chapter 94

Hanatarou tells Ichigo about the time he was with Rukia. Because she was so kind to him, Hanatarou also wishes to help her. Their conversations covered the reasons why she was imprisoned and that Ichigo was there in the Seireitei against her wishes. She told Hanatarou she is to blame. Because of the way she is, she’s not going to tell someone her inner-most secrets. 

 A/N :

What is he/she is trying to point out here?Inner most secret?Why would a person talk about their secrets to someone she just met?Aside from that,if Beruhime219 is talking about Kaien,the reason why she couldn't talk about it is because,it was painful,just like Ichigo couldn't talk about his Mom's death.Now,if Beruhime219 is talking about changing Ichigo's destiny...

Beruhime219 skipped this  page?She told Hanatarou that she is the one that changed Ichigo's life that causes all his sufferings,so...

Ichigo says it again - “That is why I have to save her.”
Again mentioning the debt he owes her.

A/N :


Ichigo : I remember now...the reason why I WANTED TO SAVE YOU SO MUCH/BADLY.
Since Ichigo kept on mentioning that so called debt,it's confirmed that he didn't forget about it.Ichigo saying that he remembers the reason why he wanted to save her (after her rescue),tells us that there's something more.It is definitely not just because of his debt.

By the way...

 Beruhime219 didn't talked about this scene.Ichigo said that Rukia is weird,that's why he have to save her.What does it mean?It means that there's no one like her in his POV.She's different from everyone.Ichigo and Ganju are talking about her personality.Ganju said that they are the same (Ichigo and Rukia),they are both strange shinigamis.


Did you know that most of the protagonist,usually described their "LOVE INTEREST" as someone WEIRD,strange,unusual,different from the others,and unique?This is not to compare BLEACH with the other manga/stories,this is for you to know,that it is one of the most commonly used dialogue/scene to hint that the person talking was starting to notice the girl/guy,in a different level,that usually turns them on with the person they are talking about,and starting to develop a romantic interest towards them.

Here are some examples of them....

                              There are a lot of examples,and I don't know how many page will it take if I put them all here.

Chapter 95


Since Ichigo is alive, Renji thinks that Rukia’s power is still bottled up inside Ichigo. Even though he knows that Rukia gave Ichigo her power, he still considers Ichigo a thief. It seems its still more of that animosity

toward a potential rival of Rukia’s affections.

A/N :

Renji is definitely not thinking about being a rival for Rukia's affection.He was just simply angry towards Ichigo,because Rukia is going to be executed because of helping him.What kind of a character does Beruhime219 thinks about Renji?sigh...

Renji begins asking questions like “How do you plan on saving Rukia?” Then you realize Renji is really testing Ichigo’s resolve to go against many impossible opponents, including Byakuya.

A/N :

I can clearly see what is Beruhime219 is trying to point out.Renji asked that question because he himself don't have that kind of guts to try and save Rukia.Renji is wondering about this...

Renji is asking Ichigo those questions,because he thought that Ichigo sounds like belittling the shinigamis.Hence he said that Ichigo is being arrogant.He acts like he can defeat them all.
Chapter 96


Hinamori tells Kira about finding Renji’s Vice-Captain/Lieutenants badge in his office. This is the biggest clue to Renji’s true motives. He has thrown his position away in order to fight and save Rukia’s life.

A/N :

I disagree with this.Renji left those things as a sign that he is going to confront Ichigo as Rukia's nakama,and not as a Vice Captain of the 6th squad.It is his way of telling everyone that he's doing that,not for his duty,but as a nakama to Rukia.

If Ichigo was in love with Rukia the first thing he would do is rub it in Renji’s face to piss him off and make him lose concentration. 

A/N :

This is truly impossible.First of all,Ichigo didn't know why Renji is acting like that.Rub it on his face? (laughs). At that time,even until now,if Ichigo might really have a romantic interest towards Rukia,he doesn't seem to notice or realized that yet.Plus,Ichigo is not the type of a warrior who will use such dirty tricks against his opponent,sigh.

Again, Ichigo says I don’t want to save her, I have to save her. Once again proving that its to resolve a debt.
  The fight rages on and Renji screaming at Ichigo that its all his fault why Rukia is sentenced to death. Once again, Ichigo explains that is the reason why he has to save her.

A/N :

We're going on circles...

 Ichigo : I remember now...the reason why I WANTED TO SAVE YOU SO MUCH/BADLY.
Chapter 97

Ichigo is injured and flashes back to the time he spent battling Urahara.
He manages to break Zabimaru and defeat Renji.

A/N :

Yeah,and he shows his determination to save Rukia.
Chapter 98

As Renji falls to Ichigo, instead of cursing his opponent, he calls out to Rukia.

A/N :

Renji --> Rukia

Flash back to the time where Renji and Rukia met.
At first, Renji seemed almost jealous of the way she became their leader and the way their friends were drawn to her. 

A/N :

Renji is not jealous of her.He doesn't seem to care about that matters,besides he also believed in Rukia's ability.Actually,even he himself were drawn to her as well,but he is not the type of a person that would admit something like that.

Over time, they were the only two left and had each other to depend on. they make a promise to each other. They become shinigami in order to leave the Rukongai and survive.

They make their dream come true and they get into the academy. During this time, Rukia is adopted into the kuchiki clan

Renji realizes that Byakuya out classes him in Social Rank and Ability. No matter how he wants to fight it, Byakuya is forcing Rukia to cut ties with him.

A/N :

Byakuya asked Rukia to cut ties with Renji? O.o where is that part?I didn't read that part in the manga,eh?As far as I know,based from the manga.Renji is the one who chose to stay away from Rukia,because he thought that she shouldn't befriend someone like him anymore,since she was now a member of a noble family.It wasn't stated that Byakuya is forbidding Rukia to keep Renji as her friend,he didn't ask her to stay away from Renji.

Renji does his best to act thrilled for Rukia, almost pushing toward the opposite answer. He knew she would chose him if he asked her to, but he wanted her to have a family. What better family could she ask for, it’s the Kuchiki clan, possibly the most noble out of the four main families. This proves his emotions run deeper than friendship, he was being unselfish by letting her go and not holding her back.

A/N :
It's true that Renji does that,because he thought it was the best for Rukia.However,this doesn't prove anything about his emotions that runs deeper than friendship.Bestfriends can do the same thing for each other,so...

Renji has always felt unworthy of Rukia. She is the ‘star’ and he is the tramp or mutt.

A/N :

That only started from the day that he let her join the Kuchiki clan.

Now that Ichigo has beat him, Renji tells Ichigo about never beaten Byakuya. This was the whole reason behind his fight with Ichigo.Renji thinks Ichigo might stand a chance against Byakuya, which is basically the obsatcle blocking their path to Rukia.

A/N :

To be exact,the reason why he fought with Ichigo,is to see how strong he have become since their last match at the Human World.He wants to know,how did Ichigo have the guts to invade SS,just to try and save Rukia,and to see if he really have the chance to save her.After the fight,Renji found out that Ichigo is that desperate to save Rukia,that he'll fight with anyone who dares to stop him.He understands that Ichigo is not underestimating the SS,but simply wanted to save Rukia,and is just doing his best to make it happen.Ichigo doesn't care how many opponents he have to defeat,how strong they are,and how weak he is compared to them.Ichigo thinks that if fighting all of them is the necessary thing to do to be able to save Rukia,then he's willing to do it by  any means.Ichigo never thinks about the impossibility of his goal,the only thing that matters to him,is Rukia alone.Renji finally realizes his cowardliness,and gained his resolve to save Rukia.
Now that the fight is over, Renji begs Ichigo to save Rukia. Now, Ichigo has a promise to fulfill to Renji. So it’s no longer about just having to save Rukia but helping Renji too.

 A/N :

We're really going on circles...

 Ichigo : I remember now...the reason why I WANTED TO SAVE YOU SO MUCH/BADLY.

This is not something I could say that is anything related to his promise to Renji,sigh.



Friday, March 2, 2012

Page 6

Chapter 79 continued

Last time she smiled like that was probably for Kaien before he died. Even though she says she doesn’t, Rukia places a lot of faith in friendship. Renji is upset, you can tell by the strained look on his face. He probably wanted to be the one to make her smile.

 A/N :

Renji misses Rukia's smile.However,what's the point of this?It's clearly coming only from Renji,and nothing comes from Rukia.Instead,the thing that makes her face brighten up,is knowing that Ichigo is still alive,but that was because she thought she's responsible for Ichigo's suffering.Rukia didn't want to be the reason of anyone's death. 

(Part of Aizen’s plan is to get Renji involved) This imagry does help show Renji and Rukia’s relationship goes way back. The two were once very attached to each other. In the last frame, Renji has a sort of melancholy while admitting their friendship to Aizen.

A/N :

Aizen knew very well that Renji cares so much for Rukia.That is the reason he knew he could use him.However,knowing that Rukia and Renji are very close friends in the past,what does it give to add for the possibility of Renruki? 

Aizen is setting things into motion. He knows Renji will immediately jump to action if he thinks there is a conspiracy. That is exactly what Renji does too. He risks everything he worked so hard to obtain just for Rukia.

A/N :

Just like Beruhime219 said,Aizen knew that Renji will act immediately.That's what he needed for his plans to take into actions.He needs the ones who will comply to his intentions,without getting suspicious.Renji would normally think that Aizen is just sympathizing with him and Rukia's situation,since he knew that they were good friends before.

Chapter 80

Nothing important other than Renji lying to Hinamori about Aizen’s location.

Chapter 81

Orihime tried to ditch dinner to help Ichigo since she easily figure out how to put her energy into the cannon ball before anyone else. He doesn’t want her to see him fail at it; again, he is embarrassed and won’t let his pride ask for help. He also knows that she is running low on energy due to fatigue and hunger.

A/N :

So amusing,where did Beruhime219 get the idea that Ichigo doesn't want Orihime to see him fail at it again?Ichigo's pride,eh?

Ganju sees it clearly,and so as Orihime.Ichigo is trying really hard for Rukia.Ichigo asked Orihime to go with Chad and Ishida to eat.What Ichigo meant there is,he won't go eating until he masters using that spirit ball,to be able to enter Seretei,and rescue Rukia.He doesn't want to waste time,eating can wait,but his training to be able to use the spirit ball cannot wait any longer.Ichigo is again being too focused on rescuing Rukia,and obliviously shows insensitivity towards Orihime.Orihime just wanted to accompany him,and support him,but he blatantly rejected her attempt,sigh.

Orihime quickly realizes what Ichigo wants and pushes everyone but Ganju out of the room.

A/N :

Yeah,that's why she complied to his request reluctantly.And that is because she knew that Ichigo,wanted to be left alone,so he could concentrate on his training,and that he'll skip dinner.It is definitely not because he doesn't want her to see him failing at it.Rather,she saw him being so serious about his training,hence he doesn't want to eat until he's done with the training.

Notice: Ichigo is saving Rukia not because of a promise, because he owes her one. the whole “I have to save her” Starts to come into play here. 

A/N :

His debt is definitely part of his reasons for saving her,but that doesn't mean that it was the only reason,since he clearly said this...

again (this is from my reply on the previous page).

Ichigo : I remember now...the reason why I WANTED TO SAVE YOU SO MUCH/BADLY.

Ichigo said that LITERALLY,he did WANTED TO SAVE RUKIA SO MUCH/BADLY.Did Ichigo just happened to forget his DEBT,which is the reason why he came to save her,according to Beruhime219?Ichigo said "I remember now" means,it is only 'till then,that he realized,why he is so eager to save Rukia.

Though,I saw him always talking about it...

Judging by the fact that Ichigo never forgets his DEBT,saying that he suddenly remembers the reason why he wanted to save Rukia "so much",is something that absolutely says something MORE.

Chapter 82

Since Ichigo missed out, Orihime saves most of her dinner for Ichigo. She knows he’s gotta be hungry by now and that his part in the team is bigger than her own. This shows her willingness to give him the things he needs to win.

A/N :

Orihime --> Ichigo

They feel an incredible spirit pressure, Orihime is the first to realize it’s Ichigo.

A/N :

She's good in recognizing reiatsu,much better than the others.Also,she's always observing everything about Ichigo,so it's normal that she'd be able to do that.

Oopse - Orihime causes Ichigo to lose his concentration.

A/N :

Because Orihime suddenly speaks up,right after Ichigo finally did it.Ichigo is so happy and was so overwhelmed with his success after so many attempts,of course he got excited,and lose concentration.
Chapter 83

Hmm, interesting dream. Make a person wonder what runs through Ichigo’s head while he dreams. He was dreaming about someone, it surely wasn’t Yoruichi, at this point he sees her as a male talking cat. A type of dream like this is usually about the opposite sex and since the last two girls Ichigo seen before falling asleep were Kuukaku and Orihime. An educated guess - most likely Orihime since she caused his brief loss of concentration, resulting in Kuukaku beating the crap out of him. When someone falls asleep just like that, dreams usually center around the last things they look at. Try going to sleep with the TV on, you can hear it in your sleep and it can manipulate what you dream about. Just a little analysis.

A/N :

People also dream about the things that they kept on thinking.This thing happens more often than just what you saw lastly before you sleep.In this case,Ichigo is thinking so much about Rukia's rescue.Ichigo even skipped dinner to continue practicing,so that he'll be able to rescue Rukia as soon as possible.Besides,his dream is about running away,in other words...ESCAPING...Why was everyone there anyway?It was to take Rukia away from those who wanted to execute her.In a sense,it is most likely about Rukia,since his dream is about RUNNING AWAY.But,judging by Ichigo's reaction,he looks disgusted with the idea,hence he woke up right after saying that,so maybe it was with a male.However,I won't make a big deal about Ichigo's dream there,it's something that is not important in the story,and might just meant for a plain comedic relief.So,it wasn't an educated guess,rather it's a WISHFUL guess.

While Orihime asks Ichigo to lower his energy, he answers her more gently than the other two.

A/N :

Ichigo replies with Orihime a bit worried,he was starting to panic,if you haven't noticed that (he's repeating the word "okay").Then Ishida commented on him to lower his pressure,Ichigo replied even more panicked,he's not harsh on his reply.Then Chad commented as well later on.Ichigo finally snapped out of it.Everyone is reminding him of what he should do,so he was being more pressured by the situation.

Orihime keeps a level head most of the time and does her best to help calm down Ichigo. She is often the voice of reason. Even though Ishida is also speaking, it seems her words get through quicker than his.

A/N :

 They stopped because they knew they should cooperate with each other.Plus,Ishida and Orihime are talking at the same time,so why say that they only listened to Orihime,if she was just talking at the same time with Ishida?It's not like,Ishida talked to them first,and they didn't listened to him,so Orihime speaks up,and they complied immediately,sigh.Not only that,Orihime is the one who speaks first,and Ishida just agreed to her.
Chapter 85

Desperately reaching for each others hands only to be split apart. Maybe future symbolism.

A/N :

Because Yoruichi told them to stay together.Future symbolism?You mean that they won't be together?They were separated

Chapter 86

Orihime got knocked out and is delirious. She calls out for Ichigo and it is obvious to Ishida that Orihime’s thoughta are about Kurosaki. He’s not oblivious and knows she loves Ichigo.

A/N :

Again....Orihime --> Ichigo